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mushroom bad trip

Mushroom Bad Trip: Immediate Actions and Prevention Tips

Venturing into the world of psychedelic mushrooms can be an enlightening experience, but it’s not without its risks. One of these is the dreaded mushroom bad trip, which can be frightening and uncomfortable. Whether you’re new to psychedelics or a seasoned user, knowing how to handle a bad trip and how to prevent them in the future is crucial. Here’s your guide to managing and avoiding a mushroom bad trip.

What to Do During a Mushroom Bad Trip

1. Stay Calm and Acknowledge the Experience: First, remind yourself that what you’re experiencing is temporary and due to the mushrooms. Recognizing that a trip is just a temporary state can help you maintain a level of calm. This acknowledgment is the first step in regaining control.

2. Change Your Environment: If you start feeling anxious, a change in scenery can help. If you’re inside, try stepping into another room or, if it feels safe, go outside for fresh air. Sometimes, just altering your immediate surroundings can significantly shift your mood and perspective.

3. Distract Yourself: Engage in an activity you find comforting or distracting. For instance, this could be listening to soothing music, watching a familiar and light-hearted show, or drawing. Focusing on a simple task can help you ride out the intensity of a bad trip.

4. Reach Out to Someone: If possible, let someone know you’re having a tough time. This person should ideally be sober and someone you trust deeply. This is because, sometimes, just talking to someone who can reassure you that everything will be okay is enough to ease your mind.

5. Practice Breathing Exercises: Controlled breathing can be a powerful tool to reduce anxiety and regain your composure. Try slow, deep breaths: inhale for a count of four, hold for four, and exhale for four. This technique can help steady your heart rate and calm your nerves.

How to Avoid a Mushroom Bad Trip in the Future

1. Carefully Choose Your Setting: One of the key factors in having a positive mushroom experience is your environment. Make sure you’re in a safe, comfortable place where you feel secure. Being in a stressful or unfamiliar setting can contribute to a bad trip.

2. Keep the Dosage in Check: Especially if you’re less experienced, start with a lower dose of mushrooms. You can always take more next time, but you can’t undo a dose that’s too high. Understanding your limits is crucial.

3. Prepare Mentally and Physically: Make sure you’re feeling healthy and relatively stress-free before embarking on a trip. Physical or emotional discomfort can affect your experience. Also, ensure you’ve had enough sleep and are well-hydrated.

4. Trip with Trusted Company: The presence of friends who you trust can make all the difference. Ideally, have a sober trip sitter — someone who stays clear-headed to help guide and reassure you if things get intense.

5. Educate Yourself: The more you know about what to expect from a mushroom experience, the better prepared you’ll be to handle it. So read accounts of other people’s experiences and learn about the psychological effects of psilocybin.


While a mushroom bad trip can be a challenging experience, it’s usually manageable with the right strategies. Thus, by preparing properly and knowing how to respond if things go south, you can reduce the likelihood of a bad trip and handle one effectively if it occurs.